Mental health counseling works to!

Hey everyone, hope you all are having a productive and stress free week so far, if not then i also hope this post might can help someone out there.

So some of us usually think that going to therapy can always solve our problems with mental health. Well, yes therapy is good, but if you don’t want to do therapy because it might make you feel uncomfortable or for any other reasons, then counseling is definitely the right choice. Therapy and counseling are two different kind of help. Here is the meaning below of counseling.

Counseling meaning: advice; opinion or instruction given in directing the judgment or conduct of another


Photo by Alexander Dummer on

Most of us is always busy, either with a 9-5, starting your own business, in college, or whatever you are currently building for your future. For some reason, it’s just always something going on. but…. we can’t complain, because this is the life we live in, right? Well on the other hand that is why most people ignore the fact that they are stressed, depressed, and neglecting the simple fact that they need help and on top of that it’s kind of hard seeking therapy when you are forever busy, that is why i definitely feel that it’s more alternative to consider counseling.

You can go to a counseling group class, or to a direct counselor in person or even online for a two week or three week session, possibly a little more, just to get yourself prepared and better. Counseling is basically the first step, but if your counseling don’t get you better, then that’s when they will refer you to a therapist.

The main serious thing is that you are doing something about it and you aren’t giving up on yourself. You are making a way to get the help you need. What i have realized over the years is that mental health is a struggle, and it is also a battle you have to continue to overcome. Don’t let it grow it to something else.

Ask yourself questions. How are you feeling? What is bothering you the most? What is the next step to get through this? 

Whenever you see a sign of any kind of mental health issues then talk to someone asap. You aren’t alone at all, it’s over millions of people just like you, me, and whoever else that is suffering from mental health issues. It’s nothing to be ashamed about. You can look up different online counseling programs for those who can’t meet up with an counselor.

Your mental health is important. There is so many beautiful people out there that have got so overwhelmed they bodies are still here but mentally they aren’t, and it sucks. You can tell the difference, you can see that happiness isn’t there, you can see that some people have gave up and didn’t fight. Don’t let that be you. We have to encourage one another to keep going and to keep fighting. Everyone needs that helping hand. If counseling doesn’t help then try another method that is close to counseling or look online for others, I am sure that it is someone out there that can really give you good advice, and give you strong words that might just help you push through.

             “Don’t give up on hope, don’t give up on your power, don’t give up on fighting, and don’t give up on helping to move forward in life. There is help out there you just have to have it in your heart.” -SEQOUIAB♠

What are your thoughts on online counseling? I would love to hear your stories. Email me, dm me on my social media, or comment below.

                         Hope you enjoyed this blog, share if you would like :).

2 responses to “Mental health counseling works to!”

  1. Herman Avatar

    Hi there. Thank you for visiting and following HoB. Much appreciated!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lifestyle Blog Avatar

      Of course thank you as well to ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

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